Contact : 281-964-2100

Admissions Process

Prior to your Surgery: What to do in preparation for your surgery

Once your surgery has been confirmed and scheduled by your surgeon and our medical staff, all you will have to do is check in on the day of your surgery. We advise that you contact one of our patient account specialists prior to your surgery, if you have questions regarding insurance or billing that have not been resolved.

It is also important that you follow your physician’s specific guidelines in preparation for your surgery. General guidelines include not having anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery and to consult your physician regarding your regular prescribed medications. Regarding the prescription subscription service, we recommend turning to the happy family store, which will provide you with a selection at affordable prices. Please let the admitting nurse know of any other supplements you may be taking as well.

At the time of surgery, you will also be asked for your picture ID, proof of insurance and to provide a method of payment for expenses not covered by your insurance provider. Please be sure to bring these documents with you to expedite the check in process.

Checking In: What to expect when you arrive for your surgery

It is important that you arrive at the Hospital a full hour prior to your scheduled time of surgery. This will give you adequate time to review with your surgeon and the medical staff your surgery schedule and to answer any questions or concerns you might have and to complete your patient consultation.

In your patient consultation, you shall complete admission forms and authorizations for your surgery and present documents including your Picture ID, proof of insurance and any other details related to your case. You shall also have the opportunity to sign additional consents and these shall be reviewed with you at the time of your consultation. This process is generally quick and once you have completed this you will be sent to a pre-operative area to be prepped for surgery.

Keep in mind that we must follow strict guidelines (see HIPAA Guidelines) for sharing private medical information with others and, therefore, suggest you leave specific arrangements in advance for sharing medical information with family members or close friends that might accompany you to the hospital. Note that we cannot share specific medical information over the phone to unauthorized individuals.

If you have any further questions about the check-in process, please do not hesitate to speak with our medical or admitting staff and they shall respond to you accordingly.

Accommodating Family and Friends

A family member or friend may accompany you to the hospital and, if you prefer, stay with you as you prepare for surgery. Once you have been admitted into the hospital, they will be escorted to the waiting area and given updates on your surgery when requested. For the convenience of waiting family members and friend Humble Surgical has wireless Internet connectivity, complimentary bottled water, coffee and snack and an on-site full service café. Starbucks Coffee is also located next to Humble Surgical Hospital.

Please note that access to private rooms from the waiting area is monitored and controlled by on-site security and accessible only by security card access to ensure the utmost in patient privacy and safety.

We welcome your inquiries regarding your family member or friend’s request for an update on your recovery while you are in our care.

Your Post-Surgical Care

After your surgery, you will be placed in a private recovery area where you will be closely monitored and cared for by our team of trained recovery care professionals and anesthesiologists. Once you have fully recovered a designated member of your family or friends may visit you as you prepare to be discharged.

If your surgery requires an overnight stay, our outstanding nursing staff will care for you in your private room. We will carefully monitor your recovery and pain levels to ensure you are recovering and that your pain is being controlled.

Checking Out

Once your doctor has given release orders you will be scheduled for release from the hospital. Prior to release you will be given important information regarding your post-surgical care to help you transition from hospital care to home care. Please follow all post-surgical instructions carefully especially those relating to the management of pain and medication. Contact your physician’s office if you have questions about your medication or questions concerning your recovery.

For the safety of our patients we ask that you have someone designated to drive you home from the hospital following your discharge, as hospital safety policy prevents patients from driving themselves after surgery.