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Making the Adjustment

Female Doctor with Patient

Chiropractor Dr. Lauren Baker is changing the way people think of spinal health

The first visit to a chiropractor often happens when years of ignoring back or neck pain finally takes its toll. Dr. Lauren Baker, a chiropractor who has been in practice for nine years, made it her passion and goal to address these issues and hopes to prevent the patient from having surgery.

Every time she helps a patient into wellness and they become free from pain, her desire for early education and action is to prevent nervous system interferences is advanced.

“My vision is to care for children and high school athletes by teaching them about wellness and what they should do when they feel pain in their back: get it treated early so that it doesn’t develop into a bigger problem,” Dr. Baker says.

“Young athletes, dancers and gymnasts push so hard when they are young, and don’t realize that even though the pain goes away in a few days, there is still a problem.”

She talks to her patients about their children’s overall health. Dr. Baker treats gymnasts and dancers from local academies to ensure they are performing at their optimal level for meets and competitions. She has helped young athletes, colicky infants, newborns with sleeplessness and toddlers with allergies, using gentle chiropractic techniques that get the nervous system working right and keep the spine aligned properly.

When the body cannot heal itself through chiropractic, Dr. Baker has a relationship with the medical community at Humble Surgical Hospital to get patients the greatest care possible. Some patients require pain management intervention and others require an orthopedic spine surgeon.

“If I get to the point in treatment where I must recommend a medical specialist, I will find the best doctor — who I would recommend to my own family — to help with their condition,” she says.

“My patients want to know that I am sending them to someone I trust. That is what is behind my relationship with Humble Surgical Hospital.”

If her patients have surgery or other procedures at HSH, they return to her afterward and she helps them with any care they require, including stretching and strengthening exercises. But most importantly, she gives them the information and tools they need to continue living without pain.

“I became a chiropractor because I want to help people live and feel their best and treat them like I would my own family,” Dr. Baker says. “My job and my passion is to help a patient understand how their problem arose, how to recover and how to prevent it from happening again through wellness care.”

Dr. Baker’s office is moving into the Humble Surgical Hospital MOB, adjacent to the hospital.